Top Athletes Rise to the Occasion at 2010 State Meet
- Omaha North’s Brandon White takes a rest while talking to fans, after winning his second consecutive 400 meter All-Class gold medal with a time 0f 48.55.
By Will Cummings
The 2010 Nebraska High school track and field season ended with a bang—a lot of wind too! Plenty of meet records were set and a bunch of athletes saved their season personal best performances for the big show.
On Saturday, I took my video camera along with me to capture some of the exciting action at Burke. Hopefully, I will have some video posted on the site soon.
There were several very impressive performances and a lot of quality athletes at this year’s state meet—many of them will be returning for more in 2011.
MHN 2010 Nebraska High School Track & Field Championships Honor List:

Top Boys Performer: Daniel Davie, Beatrice
Chris Reed, Ted Lampkin and Deverell Biggs, Omaha Central: Brandon White and Thomas Hodges, Omaha North; Elijah Mason and Antaries Daniels, Omaha Northwest; Marshall Anderson, Papillion-La Vista; Tim Thompson, Boys Town; Dillon Schrodt, Lincoln North Star, Stephon Washington, Omaha Burke; Steven Stumbough, Kearney; Adam Stark, Elkhorn and Tyler Wullenwaber, Centinial.
Top Girls Performer: LaQue Moen-Davis
The entire Omaha North Girls Track Team—LaQue Moen-Davis, Maia Reynolds and Brianna McGhee heading the list; Kalyn Brannagan, Shelton; Lauren Welch, Papillion-La Vista; Michelle Wallerstedt, Omaha Burke; Amber Ewers, Columbus Scotus; Clara Nichols and Morgan Woitzel, Millard South: Kristie Mullen, Omaha Roncalli and Amanda Brown, Lincoln Southwest.
May 24, 2010 @ 8:37 am
Nice! HS track looks like it’s on the rise around here. Lot of top medal winners coming back next season. Thanks for all you do. When will you have the video of the meet posted?
May 24, 2010 @ 2:35 pm
State Meet
Thanks. I will try to post the video by tonight. Really impressed with Brianna McGee and Maia Reynolds. Even more impressed with Clara Nichols and Daniel Davie got huge upside!
May 25, 2010 @ 8:01 am
I was at the State meet both days, and I feel that “THE” race of the meet was the Class A girls 4X400 relay match up. It was one of the best come from behind wins I have seen in a long time. Did you happen to catch it on video?? I knew with MSH’s Top Fillies in, along with the times they have been posting it was going to be a good one to watch. I was NOT dissapointed!
May 25, 2010 @ 12:35 pm
Sorry didn’t get any relays in but I saw the race. Woitzel ran an unbelievable leg. On a side note: both Wotzel and Nichols were not the same after that false start in the open 400–I thought Woitzel was DQed. I know she did.That kind of thing can really throw an athlete off their focus. Who knows what kind of race both would have run if it were not for that mishap. Great meet!!!