Track & Field: April 7, 2009…Boys Town’s Tim Thompson smokes a 10.48 100 meter at Knights of Columbus Invitational in Gretna. Was that time a typo, or just a strong wind to his back or maybe even a friendly time keeper–or does it represent a new legit threat to lay claim to the title of Nebraska’s Fastest Boy? Whatever–watch out Adema-Schulte–there’s a new dude in town lookin’ to take your badge………………………….April 6, 2009…Lincoln North Star’s Dillon Schrodt breaks indoor meet high jump record with a leap of 6-foot-9-inches at the Dan Lennon Class A Track and Field Invitational, inside the DakotaDome, at Vermillion, South Dakota. Can Schrodt jump like that outside? Or for that matter–can he jump like that in Nebraska. If so, we may be looking at the next all-class gold high jumper. Schrodt is a 6-foot-4, 180 lb junior, who was an All-City First Team WR last season for the Navigators. He is currently one of the state’s top football prospects in the class of 2010.
June 16, 2009 @ 12:55 am
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