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2009 Nebraska High School Track & Field Leaders



Important Note: To qualify as a Nebraska leading time, distance or mark it must be performed within the State of Nebraska.  “*”myHitNews will post outstanding marks performed out-of-state but they will not count towards  state leaders on this site.  Last Updated: 3-14-10.
Nebraska High Schools
 Boys Track Leaders
 Event, Time/Measure, Athlete, Grade, School

100m10.48–Tim Thompson,
SO, Boys Town     
200m–21.50–Tim  Thompson, SO, Boys Town
400m–48.66–Brandon White, JR, Westside

 Distance Runs
800m–1:59.21–Derek Schnell, Lincoln North Star 
Andrew Mittes, JR, Plattsmouth*1:56.74 (Kansas Relays)
1600m–4:23.30–Mitch Hunt, SR, Fremont
3200m–9:40.37–Trevor Vidlak, SR, Lincoln Northeast

14.37–Sam Housh, SR, lincoln North Star
300IM–37.80–Stephon Washington, JR, Omaha Burke

400 Relay–42.00–Boys Town
1600 Relay–
–Lincoln Southeast
3200 Relay–
8:10.34–Millard West

Field Events
Shot Put–59-6.75–Taylor Shapland, SR, Millard West
Discus–179-8–Kaleb Henry, SR, Loup City
High Jump–6-10–Deverell Biggs,JR,–Omaha Central
                                  Dillon Schrodt, JR, Lincoln North Star
Pole Vault–15-4–Jay kilpatrick, SR, Lincoln East
Long Jump–24-.50–Tyler Wullenwaber, JR, Centennnial
Triple Jump–48-9.25-Porter Groves, SR, Lincoln Northeast

Nebraska High Schools
 Girls Track Leaders
 Event,Time, Athlete, Grade, School 

100m12.10–Laura Brown, Papillion-La Vists South

200m–25.05–Sammy Hansen, Lincoln Southwest 
400m55.76–Morgan Woitzel, FR, Millard South (Class A state meet record)

Distance Runs
800m–2:21.8–Kristine Mullen, Roncllii, *Season PR: 2:16.66  Kansas
Relays 4-17-09. *Career PR USTAF Nationals ’09 2:14xx
1600m–5:15.11–Kelli Budd, SR, Marian  *5:10.71 (Kansas Relays)
3200m–11:09.61-Kelli Budd, SR, Marian

13.99–LaQue Moen-Davis, SO, Omaha Central (State Record)
300mH–45.93–LaQue Moen-Davis SO, Omaha Central

400 Relay–47.93–Omaha North (Darion Archie, Breunna McCarty, Ja nae’ Vinson, Brianna McGhee–State Record)
1600 Relay
–4:00.82-Millard Souh

3200 Relay–9.47.43–Lincoln Pius X

Field Events
Shot Put–46-5.25–Alyssa Kamphaus, JR,Seward
Discus–142-1–Alyssa Kamphaus, JR,Seward
High Jump–5-7--Tenisha Matlock, North Platte
Pole Vault–12-2–Maggie Maher, SR, Kearney
Long Jump–19-6–LaQue Moen Davis, SO, Omaha Central
Triple Jump-40-6.5–LaQue Moen-Davis, SO, Omaha Central (State Record)

Nebraska ALL-Time Track & Field Leaders: Clich Here.

2010 Nebraska High School Track Schedule at Click Here.

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