As Presented by the Lincoln Journal Star:
2011 Nebraska HS Boys Super-State Basketball Team
Click link to see the complete listing of the Lincoln Journal Star’s 2010/2011 Super State and Class A thru D2 All-State Baksetball Teams.
2010 Nebraska HS Boys Super-State Basketball Team
Deverell Biggs, 6-1, SR, Omaha Central Elliott Eliason, 6-11, SR, Chadron Austin Kaczor, 6-4, SR, Ewing Mike Gesell, 6-1, SO, South Sioux City Brady Lollman, 6-3, SR, Norfolk SECOND TEAM Eric Jackson, 6-3, SR, Lincoln Southeast Mike Dentlinger, 6-6, SR, Millard North Caleb Steffensmeier, 6-2, SR, Creighton Prep Tobin Reinwald, 6-4, SR, Lincoln High Derrius Vick, 6-2, JR, Lincoln Southeast THIRD TEAM Tyler Shields, 6-4, JR, 19.6, Kearney Dalton Sealey, 6-2, SR, Hastings St Cecilia Dwight Smith, 6-3, SR, Ralston Trevor Menke, 5-10, SR, Beatrice Justin Kosmicki, 6-2, SR, Johnson Co. Central Honorary captain—Deverell Biggs, Omaha Central |
2010 Lincoln Journal Star Boys Super-State Basketball Team First Team capsules: Click Here.
2010 Omaha World-Herald All-Metro Team picture and article: Click Here.